Software Defined Networking Based Optical Network: A review


  • Firas M. Mustafa Department of Communication, Nawroz University and (Duhok Polytechnic University), Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



In the field of networking, software-defined networking (SDN) has obtained a lot of concentration from both academic and industry, and it aims to provide a flexible and programmable level of control, beside obtain efficient control and management of network systems. For such reasons, the software-defined networks (SDN) can be deemed as an essential task to accomplish these requirements. In the datacenters and networks, the SDN is used to allow the administrators of the networks to start programming, controlling, changing, and managing dynamically the network behavior with open interfaces and a reflection of lower-level functionality because the need for SDN-like switching technology has become evident for many users of network equipment, especially in large data centers. There are many algorithms and applications that have been considered in SDN such as (FP-MA), EON, (EQUAL-APP) (VONCR-APP), and (T-SDN) as use cases for approval purposes because the SDN provides several focal points to the power, operation, and administration of extensive range networks. This paper aims to review Optical Network using SDN, where many types of research papers are present techniques to improve near-optimal traffic engineering and management; measurement and monitoring of the significant parameters of the optical networks and manage the cross-layer issues such as debugging and testing.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mustafa, F. M. (2020). Software Defined Networking Based Optical Network: A review. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 9(2), 139–151.


