The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth: A case study of (Middle East and North Africa - excluding High income countries)


  • Khalil Gh. Hassan Department of Economic, College of Administration and Economics, University of Duhok. Kurdistan Region, Iraq



The study aims at estimating and analyzing the impact of human capital investments in economic growth in (Middle east and north Africa (excluding High income countries) for the period (1990-2018) to test the hypothesis that investment spending on the development of the human resource has a positive effect on economic growth. A long run cointegration relationship between the variables has been found, the results indicate that all of the explanatory variables are statistically significant at the 5% level or less, but while the impact of (EMP, SES, SET, GCFG) is positive, it was found that (SEP) has a negative effect in economic providing schools that fail to teach basic skills does no promote output growth. So, providing schools that fail to teach basic skills does no promote output growth. Therefore, slowing the pace of the provision of schools to a rate that also permits the development of quality learning appears to be a best choice for a good solution. So, providing schools that fail to teach basic skills does no promote output growth. Therefore, slowing the pace of the provision of schools to a rate that also permits the development of quality learning appears to be a best choice for a good solution.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hassan, K. G. (2020). The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth: A case study of (Middle East and North Africa - excluding High income countries). المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 9(3), 160–169.


