Customer Satisfaction with Electronic Banking Services in the Iraqi Banking Sector: a case of Duhok city banks


  • Sardar Shaker Ibrahim Financial and Accounting Techniques, Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



This paper looks at the effect of electronic banking on customer satisfaction of three bank customers in Duhok city including: Kurdistan International Bank, RT bank and Cihan Bank. In the latest time because of development of international economy there has been a significant increase in the using electronic banking. Questionnaire is used for this paper to get the data and descriptive statistics used for analyzing data. The project has found that there is an important association between electronic banking and customers’ satisfaction and it can be concluded that there is a strong and positive impact of e-banking on customer satisfactions especially in crisis times like Corona virus. It is highly suggested that these banks should add other e-banking services behind current services like internet banking, mobile banking, and ATM. Moreover, these banks should also ensure that their staffs acquire basic information communication technologies skills to use e-banking services correctly. Finally, the findings from this paper suggest that these banks should provide e-banking services during all 24 hours and in all days to satisfy their customer.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Shaker Ibrahim, S. (2022). Customer Satisfaction with Electronic Banking Services in the Iraqi Banking Sector: a case of Duhok city banks. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 11(3), 12–19.


