نص Aesthetics of the art of cinema in theater performance The play (National Night) as an example


  • Sardar Fazil Mohammed Amin Salahaddin University - College of Fine Arts- Department of Cinema and Theatre, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Zhilwan Tahir Bapir Salahaddin University - College of Fine Arts - Department of Cinema and Theatre, Kurdistan Region of Iraq




پشكا چواره‌م پێك هاتیه‌ ژ ده‌رئه‌نجام و لیستا ژێده‌ران.


Theater and cinema are among the most influential arts in the world. The two arts are very close to each other. Dramas are being built.
This research entitled (Aesthetics of Cinema Art in Theatrical Performance, National Night Theater as an Example) is an analytical research It is worth mentioning that most of the time for a wide range of reasons The existence and spread of dramatic events cannot be expressed on the stage, so they resort to cinematic scenes to complete the dramatic structure This is a technique of modern theater and they are the problems of theatrical texts We can conduct research in an orderly manner. The main purpose of this research is to highlight the importance of cinematic technique and technology It is used in theatrical performances.
This research consists of four parts. The first part of the research consists of the methodological framework (research problem, research importance, research objective, research boundary). It also includes three topics The aesthetics of cinema art is discussed as the beginning of how this art emerged and reached the highest level in the world It also goes back to the history of theater and the science of aesthetics . . . . The third topic is devoted to the relationship and differences between theater and cinema.
The third part of the research is devoted to analyzing the research sample, namely the use of cinematic scenes in the performance of the play (National Night).
The fourth and final section of the research is devoted to presenting the results and list of sources.


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How to Cite

Fazil Mohammed Amin, S. ., & Tahir Bapir, Z. . (2024). نص Aesthetics of the art of cinema in theater performance The play (National Night) as an example. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 205–221. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v13n2a1280


