The mechanism of constructing the infinitive in terminology


  • Kamal Mohammed Omar Kurdish Department, College of Education, Salahaddin University, Erbil
  • Sabah Rashid Qadir Kurdish Department, College of Language, Salahaddin University, Erbil



This research is part of a PhD dissertation, entitled (Infinitive Structure of Kurdish Language According to New Theories of Language), researching infinitives, which is the engine of the Kurdish language and the factory of producing words, phrases, and language tools, and the main factor of sustaining and evolving a language, which here refers to the Kurdish language.

Infinitive is not separate from its surroundings and its situation and sectors of knowledge and life, in fact, what exists and happens around us more or less have shares of infinitive manifests itself with language, writing, speech, and other forms of expression. In this regard, infinitive participates and cooperates and has an important role in education, learning, legal, constitutional, administrative, political, media, economic, commercial, medical, social, military, and many other fields.

Of course, each part of a language has its own importance, and it is necessary for language and complements other parts of language, but infinitive is different and has different role and function, and its more important than other language tools. Therefore, this research was needed, and certainly, there must be further study on this path.

This research is part of a PhD dissertation, entitled (Infinitive Structure of Kurdish Language According to New Theories of Language), researching infinitives, which is the engine of the Kurdish language and the factory of producing words, phrases, and language tools, and the main factor of sustaining and evolving a language, which here refers to the Kurdish language.

Infinitive is not separate from its surroundings and its situation and sectors of knowledge and life, in fact, what exists and happens around us more or less have shares of infinitive manifests itself with language, writing, speech, and other forms of expression. In this regard, infinitive participates and cooperates and has an important role in education, learning, legal, constitutional, administrative, political, media, economic, commercial, medical, social, military, and many other fields.

Of course, each part of a language has its own importance, and it is necessary for language and complements other parts of language, but infinitive is different and has different role and function, and its more important than other language tools. Therefore, this research was needed, and certainly, there must be further study on this path.


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بە زمانی کوردیی (کتێب):

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بە ئینگلیزیی:

- Building a large Persian Verb Collection: A generative approach, Conference Paper • 2010 authors: Sayed Nasir Khalifesoltani, Shahid Beheshti University.

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How to Cite

Mohammed Omar, K., & Rashid Qadir, S. (2024). The mechanism of constructing the infinitive in terminology. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1261–1272.


