The impact of KWLH strategy on the development of methods of thinking and cognitive achievement of some vocabulary of scientific research


  • Mohammed M. Mohammed Embarak Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of the KWLH strategy on the development of the cognitive thinking methods and the cognitive achievement of some of the items of scientific research. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the research objectives and problem. The research society included the third year students in the Department of Sport Education / Faculty of Education / Zakho University, (52) students for the academic year 2018-2019. The two research groups were paralleled by conducting equivalence tests between the two research groups in order to control the variables related to the research that may affect the experimental results. The researcher used the SPSS program to process the data statistically. The researcher concluded the following: - The KWLH strategy has an effect Positive in the development of both structural, analytical, and realistic thinking methods - the KWLH strategy has no positive impact on the development of both ideal and practical thinking methods. - The experimental group excelled in testing the methods of thinking on the control group. - There is an impact size for both KWLH strategy and traditional method of cognitive achievement but the magnitude of the effect of KWLH strategy is greater than that of traditional method.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Embarak, M. M. (2019). The impact of KWLH strategy on the development of methods of thinking and cognitive achievement of some vocabulary of scientific research. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 8(2), 112–127.


