The reality of digital marketing tools in tourism organizations: A study of the opinions of hotel managers in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Nizar Essa Sadeeq University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Darman Sleman Sadiq University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



Keywords: Digital Marketing, Marketing Tools, Tourism Organizations, Tourism Sector, Kurdistan Region/Iraq


The research aimed to diagnose the reality of digital marketing tools in tourism organizations. A sample of hotels in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq was selected. The research adopted the questionnaire form after ensuring its validity and reliability as a main tool for collecting field data. This data was analyzed using statistical software (SPSS-Vr-25). A number of statistical tools were used to test hypotheses, such as frequency distributions, percentages, arithmetic means, and standard deviations. The research reached a number of conclusions, perhaps the most important of which is that marketing through the website ensures direct communications with current and prospective customers, as the customer can, through the hotel’s website, communicate with the hotel’s management and employees to achieve his desires and meet his requirements.


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How to Cite

Essa Sadeeq, N., & Sleman Sadiq, D. (2023). The reality of digital marketing tools in tourism organizations: A study of the opinions of hotel managers in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(4), 151–167.



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