The perceived quality of website services and their impact in promoting academic excellence An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of teaching staff at the University of Duhok


  • Saad F. Abas Department of Business Administration, University of Dohuk, KRG - Iraq
  • Aveen Idris S. Ismail Department of Business Administration, University of Dohuk, KRG - Iraq



The current study addressed two variables, namely the perceived quality of the university's website services and academic excellence, as the perceived quality of the website's services is an important means that leads the university to continuous communication with the teaching staff, knowing their requirements and providing them with appropriate services, which increases its chances of prosperity and progress. Academic excellence is one of the modern topics that have received wide attention by many universities, as it is a competitive weapon that ensures continuity in light of the current challenges in the field of higher education. The study aimed to determine the nature of the relationship between the perceived quality of the university's website services and their impact in promoting academic excellence.
The study is based on a hypothetical scheme based on a number of main assumptions that reflects the relationship between the study variables. In order to test the validity of the hypotheses, a sample of the teaching staff in the faculties of the University of Duhok was chosen to conduct the field side of the study, and the data were collected based on a questionnaire form prepared for this purpose, and then the results were analyzed based on the collected data. The final study sample included (176) teachers from the colleges of the University of Duhok, and the data were analyzed using a set of statistical methods using the (SPSS V.25) program.
The most important results of the study were the existence of a positive correlation and a moral effect between the perceived quality of the website services and academic excellence, and the study concluded by presenting a number of proposals that enhance both the levels of perceived quality of the university's website services and the academic excellence of the teaching staff at the University of Duhok.


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How to Cite

Abas, S. F., & Ismail, A. I. S. (2021). The perceived quality of website services and their impact in promoting academic excellence An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of teaching staff at the University of Duhok. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(4), 411–429.


