The role of environmental total quality management requirements in promoting cleaner production strategies An analytical study of the views of administrative leaders in a number of industrial organizations in Duhok Governorate


  • Rozh Ibrahim Mohammed Department of Administrative Sciences / College of Administration and Economics - University of Zakho - Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Hikmat Rasheed Sultan College of Administration and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Mehvan Shareef Yousif Department of Administrative Sciences / College of Administration and Economics - University of Zakho - Kurdistan Region of Iraq



إدارة الجودة الشاملة للبيئة، متطلبات إدارة الجودة الشاملة للبيئة، الانتاج الانظف، استراتيجيات الانتاج الانظف، المنظمات الصناعية.


   The current research aims to recognize the reality of the possession by the investigated industrial organizations of the Requirements of Total Quality Management for Environment and cleaner production strategies in order to identify and support their strengths, in addition to assisting organizations in general and industrial organizations in particular in Dohuk Governorate to identify requirements of Total Quality Management for Environment available to them and encourage them to adopt those requirements based on scientific and practical justifications to positively influence the application of cleaner production strategies and thus improve their environmental performance. In order to answer the research questions raised in the research problem, a hypothetical blueprint was drawn upon to measure the nature of the correlation and impact relationship between each of its variables: independent (total quality management of the environment) and certified (cleaner production). A set of main and sub-hypotheses was drafted and tested based on the statistical software (SPSS V.26) for data obtained through the questionnaire prepared for this purpose. The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important being: the responses of the researched individuals show that there is considerable agreement on the availability of the requirements for managing the overall quality of the environment in the investigated industry organizations, this indicates the importance of the requirements for managing the overall quality of the environment in improving the environmental performance of the organizations, in addition it is clear statistical analysis shows that there is a morally positive correlation between the Total Quality Management for Environment and cleaner production in the investigated industrial organizations this indicates that whenever the Total Quality Management for Environment and its requirements are available in those organizations, this improves cleaner production strategies. One of the most important proposals presented by the research is the need for the investigated industrial organizations to show continuous interest in Total Quality Management for Environment they seek to have, given the significant role they play in improving the Organization's ability to respond to ongoing changes in its external environment and thereby contributing to its enhanced adoption of appropriate cleaner production strategies.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim Mohammed, R., Rasheed Sultan, H., & Shareef Yousif, M. (2023). The role of environmental total quality management requirements in promoting cleaner production strategies An analytical study of the views of administrative leaders in a number of industrial organizations in Duhok Governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(3), 468–489.




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