Unrecognized entities' obligations under international human rights conventions


  • Nawzad Amin Mohammed College of law and political science, Department of law, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq
  • Jotyar Mohammed Rasheed College of Humanities, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq




الكيانات غير المعترف بها, الدولة الأم, الدولة الراعية, الإعتراف, إلتزامات حقوق الإنسان.


        From time to time, de facto entities emerge, exercising over a group of people and within a certain geographical space most of the aspects of internal sovereignty exercised by a member state in the international community, but they are not seen as "members" of the international community entitled to what the rest of the members of this community and some are entitled to. Of these entities continue to exist as this for an indescribable short period.

   since international human rights law aims to provide basic guarantees for individuals against the abuse of the powers of the "states" to which they are subject. In the case of unrecognized entities, the mother country remains the official party in the agreements of this law despite the fact that it has not exercised any effective control over the region that governs itself de facto, which highlights the futility of continuing to impose human rights obligations on the mother state according to rights agreements. With regard to individuals subject to the de facto authority of the existing entity, thus the issue of the emerging entity’s de facto commitment to the rules of international human rights law acquires great importance as the only entity under the prevailing circumstances,
Otherwise, the human rights situation in the unrecognized entity becomes ambiguous and fearful that there is no party to bear human rights obligations and can be held accountable in the event of human rights violations, which undoubtedly weakens the value of international standards and guarantees of human rights


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قائمة المصادر
أولاً: المصادر باللغة العربية
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ثانياً: المصادر باللغة الإنجليزية
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How to Cite

Amin Mohammed, N., & Mohammed Rasheed, J. (2023). Unrecognized entities’ obligations under international human rights conventions. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(2), 140–158. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v12n2a836


