The role of pioneering learning dimensions in achieving entrepreneurial performance An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders at the University of Duhok


  • Hikmat R. Sultan College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Rangeen M. M. Ibrahim College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Iraqi Kurdistan



This study aims to define the role that entrepreneurial learning can play as an independent variable through its dimensions (entrepreneurial competence, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention, and bold behavior) in achieving entrepreneurial performance as a dependent variable through its indicators of (innovative organizations, survival) High growth, self-employed organizations). In light of the objective, the study problem was summarized by a set of questions, the most important of which were: The extent of adopting the dimensions of entrepreneurial learning in the faculties of the University of Duhok, what is the nature of the relationship and influence between the dimensions of entrepreneurial learning and the indicators of entrepreneurial performance in the colleges of the study community, what are the limits of the contribution of entrepreneurial learning to achieving the indicators of entrepreneurial performance. The importance of the study lies in diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses of the academic performance of the teaching staff, the effectiveness of the dimensions of entrepreneurial learning in the faculties of the University of Duhok, and the presentation of treatments and proposals for the university administration and its colleges and putting them into practice to benefit from them With the aim of improving the university’s performance by making use of the applications of the pioneering learning dimensions and the advancement of the scientific level. As a mechanism for this study to achieve its objectives, two main hypotheses were put forward: The existence of a significant impact relationship for pioneering learning on entrepreneurial performance at the level of the faculties of the researched university. The university's faculties surveyed for their entrepreneurial performance vary according to the level of focus on entrepreneurial learning.


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5المصادر العربية
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How to Cite

Sultan, H. R., & Ibrahim, R. M. M. (2020). The role of pioneering learning dimensions in achieving entrepreneurial performance An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders at the University of Duhok. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(4), 342–360.


